As Featured in:


When Words Are Unnecessary

As a writer, there are times when I feel that words are either unnecessary or out of place. It might seem strange that a writer might ever think such a thought, much less pen it!

Many are under the impression, that writers always have a plethora of words at their disposal. Those who do not write, may not understand the tension a writer feels when searching for that oh so perfect word to adequately express what their heart longs to say.

As Featured in:


Surrendering to Grace: Freedom Amid the Pain

I don’t like to suffer. I never have. I never will. I am, however, intimately acquainted with pain. God, in His sovereignty, introduced the two of us long ago.

As Featured in:


  • Pink Perfection

    Her beauty is always a welcome sight

    when fall’s brown hues

    replace any hint of brighter colors,

    and the grey of winter is slowly

    making its way down south.

  • On Becoming

    It doesn’t happen overnight.

    This miracle of becoming

    begins small, tiny,

    encased in a seed,

    plain, common to all eyes

    but His.

  • The Promise

    My Dear Bill,

    In the early evening of April 25, 1986, You and I stood as bride and groom in my home church of First English in New Orleans, Louisiana, and in front of God, my pastor, and some 250 family members and friends in attendance, we made a solemn vow to each other.

  • We Missed Spring

    The morning sunlight streams through my bedroom window

    signaling my eyes to open.

    They open slowly,

    look around,

    not fully focused yet.

    Everything looks familiar;

    yet at the same time

    eerily different.