God's Extraordinary Gifts on Ordinary Days

Most of us lead ordinary lives on ordinary days. But our God and His grace to us through His son Jesus Christ is in no way ordinary.

His abundant grace is lavished upon us each and every day in ways that are both apparent and hidden.

So often we miss the grace He showers on us through the small everyday gifts for a variety of reasons.  Perhaps we are feeling overwhelmed by our circumstances, or we may be drowning in grief, we may be wanting something more or expecting something different, or sadly, we may have lost ourself in the pursuit of the temporal rather than the pursuit of the eternal.

The good news is that it's not too late to begin to breathe in the wonderful grace of God evident in the generous gifts he showers on us daily. Those ordinary gifts of God on ordinary days.

This is the first in a series of blog posts I'll be writing and sharing here as a precursor to a book I am writing entitled "Breathe, Just Breathe; Breathing in the Extraordinary Gifts of God on Ordinary Days." It is my prayer that as your read the posts in this series, you will find yourself opening up to the awesome joy of living in the reality of God's grace, regardless of where you find yourself in life's journey right now - and that you will, as a result, experience the indescribable joy that comes from His hand to those He loves with an everlasting love.

Are you ready to begin a new and exciting "journey to joyful living?" 

We will start with exploring one of the Lord's first gifts to us - Breath.

