What Are You Waiting For?
Sometimes the Lord is whispering "Wait" to us. I’ve noticed that usually happens when we are trying to push ahead in our own timing. Other times He is waiting on us to "Step Forward" in faith, but we are lagging seriously behind claiming that we are "waiting" on Him.
But are we waiting on Him? Or are we waiting for the perfect time, the perfect place, the perfect circumstances? None of these will ever come. I know, because I have been guilty so many times of waiting for these same things! And they never came.
It always seemed that the best opportunities came at the worst time. A time when things felt messy, a time when they were messy, a time when I didn't feel ready, a time when I indeed wasn't ready; or at least didn't think I was.
BUT GOD.....How many times have we heard that? How many times do we say it ourselves? How often I have given God excuses when he was pushing me forward and I wasn't ready to go! I have proclaimed that I was "waiting" on God when He was actually "waiting" on me!
But I have discovered this. Before He ever asks me to step forward in Faith, he has long prepared me, trained me and equipped me for the time and season He is calling me to. Those times of preparation actually occurred when I was in a season of "waiting" on Him. A season when I was begging Him to change my circumstances, but instead He chose to change me.
I recently took such a step of Faith. It was something I had been praying for, preparing for and working towards. Yet, when the opportunity came, I hesitated. Well, no I didn't actually hesitate, I froze! In that moment of time, a war was waging between Fear and Faith. But sheerly by God's grace, I did step forward in faith, and an opportunity far better than the one I was seeing on the surface, of was there waiting for me, just as He had planned in His perfect timing!
It is often difficult to discern the nuances of the seasons; when the Lord is whispering "Wait” to us, and when he is calling us to “Step Forward” in faith. However, we can be assured that He is working behind the scenes in both seasons for our good and His glory.
Are you in a season or "waiting" for God or is He waiting on you?